Our People

Viticulturist - Ruth Mihaly
Ruth has enthusiastically embraced vineyard life – a marked contrast to working professionally in kitchens! Whilst not following a unique philosophical approach to viticulture, she selects what is perceived to be the best approach available – or as the French describe it la lutte raisonnée [means 'the reasoned struggle']. Either way – it’s the caring commitment and continuous involvement with the vineyard to ensure the healthiest and most balanced vines are achieved – from which pristine fruit can then be harvested for the cuverie.

Vigneron – George Mihaly
George’s scientific background has been immensely helpful in mastering the procedural elements in making wine. On the other hand, the artistic and more intuitive aspects have been developed under the mentorship and guidance of close friend Nat White at Main Ridge Estate. In the winery – the philosophy is more akin to that of a hands-off traffic warden… keeping a regular watchful eye on the wines to ensure things don’t go wrong!